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A computer program is typically composed of many small processes handling the different responsibilities and behaviors of the application. In Triarc Processes are composed in Applications.

The Triarc Application

The Application is a class derived from the Process class. The purpose of the Application is to manage the lifecycle of other processes. The Application has an API as shown below, and also inherits the API of the Process.


Processes are added to an applicaiton using the API VI called Add, and may subsequently be retrieved from the Application using the Get Each Process can access its owning Application using the Get

As the Application is itself a Process, there is nothing preventing nesting applications. This enables creation of rich architectures with layers of sub systems.

Lifecycle Management

An application is responsible for its owned processes and the processes follow the lifecycle of the application. If the application is started or stopped, all its owned processes changes lifecycle states in the same way. Processes added while the application is running are not started automatically, which enables idle processes to be added to an application.

Recursion through the Application

The Application does apply certain operaitons recursively through its owned processes. This applies also in general for nested applications.

When a Process is added to an Application the lifecycle of the process is managed by the application. This means that if the owning Application is e.g. stopped, all Processes within the Application will also be stopped.

Similarly, configuring an Error Handler or a Log Handler for an Application will configure the handler for all owned Processes.